Revolution in sound
Automatic translate
9 Октября
Новая Третьяковка
Крымский Вал, 10
October 9, Monday
Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val, 20.00
Ticket admission
SOUND UP opens a collaboration with the Revolution in Sound concert with the Moscow Conservatory and the New Music Studio ensemble.
Within the framework of one concert, a palette of musical experiments of the avant-garde era will be presented - works that mark the post-revolutionary period and the era of industrialization, which were destined to make a real revolution in sound.
Listeners will be at the epicenter of the sound laboratory of the 1920s - musicians will be located under, above and next to the audience in the space of all floors of the central foyer of the New Tretyakov Gallery. Echoing and “competing” with each other, ensembles led by two conductors will perform iconic, sometimes furious, ruthlessly rhythmic opuses that reflect the spirit of the era of industrialization and the first Soviet five-year plan.
In a programme:
Alexander MOSOLOV - Factory. Car music
Vladimir DESHEVOV - Rails
Nikolay ROSLAVETS - Chamber Symphony No. 1
Dmitry SHOSTAKOVICH - Suite from the Bolt Ballet
Joseph SCHILLINGER - Aerophonic Suite
Louis ANDRISSEN - Workers Union
Olesya ROSTOVSKAYA, theremin
Studio New Music Ensemble
Conductors - Igor DRONOV, Stanislav MALYSHEV
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