Fashion advertising as an art. Lecture Chris Kirik
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5 Января
Центр фотографии имени братьев Люмьер
Болотная набережная, 3, стр. 1
January 5, at 15:00, the Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography invites Chris Kirik to a lecture on “Advertising Fashion as Art” as part of the educational program for the exhibition “Elena’s collection”.
About the lecture:
Modern fashion is fraud! This is a sell. Especially in the form in which it exists today. This is a brilliant illusory world of spectacular and incredibly beautiful deception. But, if you want to be involved in the fashion industry, you need to master the art of aesthetic deception perfectly - the skills to create such beauty that many will want to possess, and for which they will be willing to pay a lot of money. Despite the prevalence of the far from the most positive phenomenon of “fast fashion” (fast fashion), in our time we can observe an absolutely opposite trend, which has not been around for a long time - this is the convergence of fashion and art. Just look at the outstanding works of the masters of the fashion photography genre to see this. Their images often fall from magazine pages directly to leading galleries. Moreover, today many world-famous fashion photographers have taken a great interest in shooting conceptual videos. Often, these mini-films themselves are works of art. They regularly take first places at prestigious festivals and are shown in the world’s largest art museums. The lecture “ADVERTISING OF FASHION AS ART” will be devoted to precisely such works.
Chris Kirik is a fashion designer with international experience, an expert in modern fashion, a stylist, producer and art director of shootings for glossy publications and advertising. She worked as a designer and creative director of youth fashion brands in Moscow, Milan and Hong Kong. Collaborated with magazines: L ’Officiel, Jalouse, Vogue. it, Rolling Stone, Hooligan, Dazed and Confused, etc. He is currently the creative director of the Italian fashion school Bernardo Paoli Fashion School ( and the curator of the Fashion Styling and Fashion Photography courses.
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