SPACE EXPLORATION. A series of lectures by experts from Germany Automatic translate
10 Декабря
Терминал 42
ул. Ришельевская, 33
Bavarian House, Odessa presents
SPACE EXPLORATION. A series of lectures by experts from Germany.
Part III:
Opportunities and prospects of museums in the province.
Georg Elben
Thursday December 10th
19:00, Terminal 42 (33 Rishelievskaya St.)
The series of lectures “Exploration of Space”, initiated and organized by the Bavarian House, Odessa Charitable Foundation, will be continued by the lecture of the Director of the Glaskasten Sculpture Museum in Marl, Georg Elben. The general theme of his speech is related to the possibilities and prospects of museums located in the province. In his presentation, he turned to the project, which was held in eight museums of the Ruhr region this summer, and about which several leading media in Germany spoke for several months in a row - China 8. The exhibition caused a stir for two reasons. One of them is a high interest in contemporary art in China. The second, and fundamental for Ukrainian realities, is the status of museums in which a large-scale project took place. All eight museums participating in the China 8 project are located in a province in the former industrial region of Germany, once economically prosperous but now in decline, in an area comparable to the Ukrainian Donbass.
What are the prospects and opportunities of provincial museums, what are the directions for their successful development - this will be discussed in the final lecture of the cycle.
Georg Elben is currently the director of the Glaskasten Sculpture Museum in Marl. He created and implemented a number of projects with significant artists of our time: Janet Biggs, Diego Fernandez, Misha Kubal, Gunther Ucker. He collaborated with major thematic exhibitions related to video and sound art, oversaw a part of the China 8 exhibition project dedicated to contemporary Chinese video art.