"Five dimensions." Exhibition of Contemporary Sculpture at the State Tretyakov Gallery
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с 23 Августа
по 8 ОктябряНовая Третьяковка
Крымский Вал, 10
The exhibition "Five Dimensions" is a joint project of the Tretyakov Gallery and the Association of Moscow Sculptors and represents a generalized look at the work of plastic artists, since 1992 - the date of foundation of the association.
The exhibition presents works from the workshops of authors and from the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery. Viewers will see most of the work for the first time, as some of them were created specifically for this project. The project participants were 50 authors, who submitted 124 works. Among them are both young sculptors and eminent masters, academicians of the Russian Academy of Arts: Leonid Baranov, Vladimir Buinachev, Mikhail Dronov, Ivan Kazansky, Anatoly Komelin, Victor Korneev, Gennady Krasnoshlykov, Lev Matyushin, Sergey Milchenko, Alexander Rukavishnikov, Vladimir Soskiev, Dmitry Tugarinov, Zurab Tsereteli, George Frangulyan, Bilar Tsarikayev, Alexander Tsigal and others.
The name of the exhibition reflects the desire of modern sculpture to expand its traditional borders, in particular, boldly explore space in objects floating in the air. To this was added another, fifth dimension - the plane of the wall, where reliefs and graphics are exhibited.
The creators of the project set themselves the task of showing the whole variety of creative searches of modern masters: figurative and abstract solutions, frank admiring nature and cold constructiveness of the objective world, a play of colors, shapes, materials and plots.
The exhibition "Five Dimensions" provides the viewer with a unique opportunity to look into the "creative laboratory" of Moscow sculptors. Often authors create works that are on the verge of sculpture and, as it is commonly called in the professional community, “non-sculptures”, when the species boundaries are blurred and plastic works demonstrate the experience of aggressive invasion of the human environment. Often the ultimate departure of sculptors from the "main markers" of sculpting - figurativeness, volume, figurative certainty makes you think about completely different principles of perception of plastic in the 21st century.
Dates: 08/23/2017. - 08/10/2017.
Venue: "New Tretyakov Gallery", Krymsky Val, 10. Halls 80-82
- Dialogue in time
- Dialogue in time
- Igor Dryomin: "Five Dimensions" in the Tretyakov Gallery