"Way or journey across the Celestial Empire" Alla Volobueva
Automatic translate
с 26 Мая
по 14 ИюляАрт-галерея “Мануфактура”
Обуховское шоссе, 2
Art Gallery "Manufactory" invites you to go on an exciting journey through the cities of China. Immerse yourself in the philosophy of the Middle Kingdom will help the viewer paintings of Kiev artist Alla Volobueva.
The exposition will include new, still unfamiliar to the public, works of the author.
Light haze, pouring in the evening with the color of freshly squeezed mango, midday heat, rain, building the walls of water - all this and much more can be seen in her works related to the amazing, mysterious and incomprehensible China.
Alla was fortunate enough to visit this Asian country twice. The keynote of the visit was self-knowledge. During her stay in China, without relatives and friends, the artist had time to look into herself. Sensations and emotions from contemplation of the environment, fullness of the images of China, she later embodied in her work.
“The city of Suzhou is amazing in its beauty, where I become easy and free. When all kinds of wild cherry trees begin to bloom, rain blowing away all desires, the smell of spring cane, common in these places, swift clouds, wild birds emitting their cries. I fall into the power of my dreams and imaginations, ”the inspired author of the paintings conveys the emotions of what he saw.
The painter’s emotions and impressions, his personality predetermine the technique of performance, which helps to reveal the author’s inner world, his idea and is a tool for translating the picture into reality. Alla Volobueva has her own creative emphasis, her works are made in a special unique author’s technique. The artist uses special acrylic linings, on which, after drying, the oil is applied in layers.
Alla Volobueva - a graduate of the Republican Art School named after T. G. Shevchenko and the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, since 2008 - graduate student. The artist actively participates in the creative life of Ukraine and abroad (personal project “Indian Summer”, Gogol-Fest; personal exhibition “9 months in China”, “GreenWave” gallery (China, Wuxi, 2010); International Sino-Ukrainian project “100 years fine arts of Ukraine ”(China, Beijing, 2012) and other projects. Alla is a laureate of the First Prize of the international youth animation contest in Florence (Italy), as well as a multiple laureate of the First, Third Prizes named after Victor Shatalin.
The exhibition runs from 05/26/17 to 07/14/17
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