The Pushkin Museum resumes the "Friday in Pushkin" festival and opens the new season with a big concert
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29 Января
Главное здание ГМИИ им. А.С. Пушкина, Белый зал
ул. Волхонка, 12
Festival curator: Anna Genina - culturologist, organizer of educational projects
Pushkin Museum im. AS Pushkin resumes the festival "Friday in Pushkin" in the usual format. The first event this year will be a piano concert from the Musical Masterpieces series, which will take place on January 29 at 19:00. Festival events will be held on Fridays in the main building of the museum (12 Volkhonka) in compliance with all necessary security measures.
In the new season, as part of the Friday in Pushkin Festival program, excursions to the main exposition and temporary exhibitions will be held, including the exhibition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the numismatics department “Keepers. The Brotherhood of the Key ”(December 8, 2020 - March 14, 2021), and the exhibitions“ The Moscow Life of Giambattista Tiepolo and His Son Giandomenico ”(February 11, 2021 - November 1, 2022) and“ Bill Viola. Journey of the Soul "(March 2 - June 1, 2021). In addition to excursions, you will have conversations with the curators and researchers of the museum, poetry readings in the halls of the museum, discussions about art and much more.
Famous musicians and young rising stars will take part in the concert program. An important event of the new season of the festival will be cooperation with the Yamaha Music company, which will present young talented pianists at the Friday in Pushkinsky festival. The musicians will play the legendary Yamaha grand piano donated to the museum by Svyatoslav Richter.
The first concert of the Musical Masterpieces cycle will take place on January 29 at 19:00.
Concert program:
Part I
W.A. Mozart. Nine Variations on the Duport Minuet in D major К573
F. Chopin. Scherzo No. 4
F. Schumann. Carnival, op. 9
Performer: Elizaveta Klyuchereva (piano).
II part
F. Liszt. Sonata in B Minor, S. 178
F. Chopin. Polonaise-Fantasy, op. 61
Performer: Rati Burchuladze (piano).
The entrance to the concert will be carried out with a ticket to the museum and pre-registration.
The next concerts of the "Musical Masterpieces" cycle will be held on February 5, 12, 19 and 26 at 19:30.
The program of events for each Friday will be pre-published on the museum’s website.
The festival "Fridays in Pushkin" is held with a number of restrictions: in excursion groups of no more than seven people, mandatory preliminary registration, as well as observance of social distance and the presence of masks.