Pushkin. 225
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с 20 Февраля
по 20 ИюняГлавное здание ГМИИ им. А.С. Пушкина
ул. Волхонка, 12
Unique exhibits of the 19th-20th centuries from the collections of the Bakhrushinsky Theater Museum can be seen at the exhibition “Pushkin. 225"
On February 20, the inter-museum exhibition project “Pushkin. 225", dedicated to the anniversary of the great Russian writer. The Bakhrushinsky Theater Museum acted as a partner of the exhibition and provided unique exhibits from its funds.

“We submitted four sketches for productions of the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” to the exhibition: they date back to 1888 (artist K.K. Gruner) and 1937 (artist V.A. Naidyshev). “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is one of Pushkin’s most beloved works by both adults and children - beautiful, fabulous, bewitching. Great directors, musicians, and artists turned to him repeatedly. Based on the sketches provided, one can trace how the perception and “reading” of the poem by directors and artists changed in the 19th and 20th centuries,” said Victoria Zhuravleva, deputy director and chief curator of the Bakhrushinsky Theater Museum.
Exhibits of the Bakhrushin Theater Museum can be seen in four mezzanine halls. All of them are dedicated to the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. As the press service of the A. S. Pushkin Museum noted, the structure of the exhibition repeats the plot of the poem and serves as a kind of commentary on it. In total, the large-scale exhibition will be located in the halls of the main exhibition, enfilade, atrium and under the vaults. The conference room contains space for programs specially designed for the exhibition. The exhibition will last until June 30.
The Bakhrushinsky Theater Museum is also preparing a project for the anniversary of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. It will take place in the fall in the center of theatrical history, which is part of Russia’s first museum and theater quarter “Bakhrushinsky”. Opening this year. “At the exhibition you will be able to see unique exhibits from the late 19th – early 20th centuries related to productions of performances based on the works of A. S. Pushkin,” noted Victoria Zhuravleva.
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