Pushkin. Line of life. To the 220th anniversary of the poet
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с 16 Мая
по 31 ИюляПермская государственная художественная галерея
Комсомольский проспект, 4

May 16 at 18.30 in the Perm Art Gallery opens an exhibition dedicated to the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. The exposition is based on paintings, drawings, sculptures, arts and crafts from the Perm Gallery collection, authentic historical documents from the State Archives of the Perm Territory, bibliographic rarities from the scientific library of the Perm Humanitarian Pedagogical University.
Each time brings its thinkers, poets, philosophers, scientists, musicians, artists, each era has its own people. But for two centuries now, we have been calling the first Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. We repeat for M. F. Odoevsky “the sun of Russian poetry”, for A. A. Grigoriev “our everything”, for F. I. Tyutchev “Russia’s first love”. We quote a genius: “frost and sunshine is a wonderful day”, “winter, a peasant triumphing”, “a golden chain on that oak tree”, “would you not chase pop for cheapness”, “I’m sweetest in the world…” Pushkin remains still fresh, spicy, amazing, unique.
The exhibition invites viewers to set off on the path of the Spirit of the Pushkin era and the poet’s Life Line. The exposition is based on works of painting, graphic art, sculpture, decorative and applied art of the 19th century from the collection of the Perm Art Gallery. The life of the poet, the fundamental events in fate, friendships and family ties appear in the works of the graphs of Galaktionov, Ukhtomsky, Mate, Rundaltsov, drawings by Kuzmin, Terekhov, Goryaev, Kiselev, sculptures by Vitali, Beklemisheva, Tolstoy, Shultz, paintings by Vereshchagagin, Papes, Papes, Rereshchagin, Papes.
Authentic historical documents from the beginning of the 19th century, presented to the exhibition by the State Archive of the Perm Territory, complement the exposition.
In expositional spaces, rare editions of Pushkin’s works also found their place - autographed books by the publisher Smirdin, lifetime editions of the poet. Among them, the most unique exhibit is the original of the eighth chapter of the novel "Eugene Onegin." This is not just a bibliographic rarity, but a censorship copy that has a corresponding certificate. In the flyleaf of the Perm instance is pasted: “Certificate of the Printing House of the Department of Public Education. I testify that the book is entitled: Eugene Onegin. Chapter Eight by the power of steam. 37 of the Charter on Censorship, with the manuscript approved by the Censorship attached, it is similarly printed in everything. January 18, 1832. " The atmosphere of the literary salons of Pushkin’s era is supplemented by the unique handwritten albums of Sofya Dmitrievna Ponomareva with autographs of the poet’s friends and acquaintances. All bibliographic rarities are provided by the scientific library of the Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University.
The life story of Pushkin is also the history of his works - poems, poems, prose and their interpretations by artists of different eras. Illustrations of Favorsky, Konstantinov, Epifanov, works of Perm artists Korovin, Kovalev are immersed in the world of Pushkin’s heroes.
One of the halls of the exhibition is dedicated to the Pushkin theme on the Perm theater stage. The exposition presents sketches of sets and costumes made by theater artists Vavra, Lyudmilin, Matrunin. Photos, programs and posters from the collections of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater Museum P.I. Tchaikovsky continues to talk about the timeless sound of Pushkin’s classics.
The hall “Hello, tribe, a young stranger” is dedicated to the contemporary perception of Pushkin’s images. Here are the drawings of students of the Perm school number 9 named. A.S. Pushkin, patients of the Oncohematological Center named after F.P. Haaza, educational works of former students of the Perm branch of the Academy of Painting Tatyana Necheuhina, Alexander Grekov, Maxim Kayotkin.
The exhibition was organized with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Perm Territory and will be open for visitors from May 17 to July 31, 2019.
Exhibition curators: Irina Andrenko and Natalya Novopashina
Designer: Dmitry Merkushev
Exhibition partners:
State Archive of Perm Region
Perm State University for the Humanities and Education
Perm Academic Opera and Ballet Theater P.I. Tchaikovsky
Perm Theater of Young Spectators
Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture
Perm school number 9 named. A.S. Pushkin
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