Public-art project "ARTeria" or 7 floors of art in a 21st century hospital
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Location: Morozov Children’s City Clinical Hospital. New building
Opening: April 17, 16:00
Address: New building of MDGKB, 4th Dobryninsky per., 1/9
Organizers: Moscow City Department of Culture, Vladimir Smirnov and Konstantin Sorokin Foundation, Board of Trustees of the Morozov Hospital
Curator: Marina Zvyagintseva
Coordinators: Tatyana Mrdulyash, Anna Zykina
Participants in the first stage of the project: Maria Arendt, Natalya Arendt, Maxim Bashiev, Olga Bozhko, Vladimir Dubosarsky, Marina Zvyagintseva, Gerasim Kuznetsov, Alexandra Kochetkova, MishMash (Mikhail Leikin and Maria Sumnina), Misha Most, Vladimir Logutov, Vladimir Potapov, Rostan Tavasiev, Olga / Oleg Tatarintsevs, Irina Khamdohova, Zuk Club (Max Lomak and Nikita Khodak), as well as Grigory Oster and the Moscow Museum of Design.
The large-scale Public-art project “ARTeria” in the new building of the Morozov Children’s Hospital was initiated by the Moscow City Department of Culture, the Vladimir Smirnov and Konstantin Sorokin Foundation, and the Board of Trustees of the Morozov Hospital. A distinctive feature of the case is not only the latest technological equipment, but also the filling of modern art.
The project is a typical example of the site-specific genre - works specially created for a specific environment. Creating an exposition takes place in several stages. On April 17, the first stage will be shown, within which contemporary art has changed the lobby and hospital corridors from the first to the third floors. In the future, it is planned to fill with art all 7 floors of the new building. The main idea, according to the curator of the project, Marina Zvyagintseva, is to change the atmosphere of the hospital to create another link between the child and the disease - an artistic one.
It is important to remove the child from a state of isolation and make him join in the study of a new environment. To build a bridge between the two emotional poles - positive (children’s energy of the joy of learning, wondering about the world) - and negative (disease and suffering associated with them). One of the objectives of the project is to show how contemporary art transforms the familiar world, how it works with children - the most complex and at the same time the most open to understanding audience.
Already at the entrance of the new building, young visitors enter the game labyrinth created by artists. The dominant feature of the lobby is a 5-meter sculpture of Rostan Tavasiev’s “DNA”, made of multi-colored plastic cubes.
In the center of the hall is the rainbow column of Marina Zvyagintseva, created from transparent pipes filled with toys. The game theme is supported by the windows of the Moscow Museum of Design, which provides collections of retro toys that "work" not only for children, but also for their parents, for whom all these items have been familiar since childhood.
Vladimir Logutov presents in the cafeteria a series of designer tiles with colorful prints of children’s palms that set the child up for an atmosphere of creativity.
Maria Arendt’s road signs make climbing stairs a fascinating journey. And the watermelon story of Natalia Arendt distracts small hematology patients from the fear of procedures.
Between the offices of the consultation and diagnostic center on the third floor, unusual animals of the MishMash group hid; in the department of traumatology Olga Bozhko will make pills play football.
Gerasim Kuznetsov transformed the doors of medical offices, and Alexandra Kochetkova and Irina Khamdohova came up with interactive "Magic Doors" for young visitors. Also, children are waiting for the “Wall of Soviets” - a joint project of Olga and Oleg Tatarintsev and writer Grigory Oster.
Famous artists Vladimir Dubosarsky, Misha Most, Vladimir Potapov, Maxim Bashev, as well as the ZUCKLUB art group painted 12 children’s chairs in the author’s style for the game rooms of the new Morozovka block.
Contemporary art has existed in Morozovka for more than two years. In 2014, the Art Vaccination project was launched in the clinic building. And in 2015, Marina Zvyagintseva’s public-art project “Game Communications” opened - a huge cardiogram of colored and transparent pipes filled with toys changed the gray facade of hospital building 22A, turning it into a permanent open-air exhibition.
The new building of the Morozov Children’s City Clinical Hospital, which has turned over one hundred years from the day of its founding by the merchant Vikula Eliseevich Morozov, into one of the largest children’s medical and preventive institutions in the city, is being built as part of a federal project that is being implemented in cooperation with the Moscow Government and the Russian Ministry of Health. In terms of equipment, the building is intended to become one of the best in Russia and significantly expand the possibilities of providing children with high-quality and modern medical care.
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