Protestant Chorale from Luther to Bach
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23 Мая
Мемориальная квартира Святослава Рихтера
ул. Большая Бронная, дом 2/6, кв. 58 (16-й этаж)
May 23, 19:00.
Concert of the Volkonsky-Consort early music ensemble, dedicated to the culture of the Protestant choral and its processing in the works of German composers of the 16th – 18th centuries. The musicians of Protestant Germany followed the precepts of Martin Luther, who glorified musical art as "an invaluable, healing, joyous creation of God." Chorales were a natural and necessary part of the spiritual life of a person from the Baroque era. The Bach Library kept several editions of the complete works of Luther, and the Bible in two languages - German and Latin - was the handbook of the great German master. It is quite natural that the Protestant choral became an integral element of the musical language of I.S. Bach, his predecessors and contemporaries. An excellent collection of German music, including rarely sounding compositions by M. Luther, M. Pretorius, G. Isaac, Henry VIII, T. Ravenscroft, I.S. Bach will be represented by one of the most respected Russian groups, which includes musicians of the famous ensemble "Madrigal" Andrei Volkonsky.
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