"Space of Symbols" on the 90th anniversary of the Sogetsu school
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с 4 по 8 Апреля
Государственный музей архитектуры имени А.В. Щусева
ул. Воздвиженка, д.5/25
in the outhouse "Ruin"
State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchuseva presents the exhibition “Space of Symbols”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Sogetsu school. The exposition includes materials on the development of the school and on the four presidents (Iemoto) of the school, as well as the work of members of the Moscow branch of ikeban Sogetsu, which will be devoted to topics of spring, love, life, path and creativity.

Ikebana is rooted in the ancient history of Japan. From the very first days of its development, this art is associated with symbols that carry deep connections with nature. Symbols can be caused by associations, prompted by nature, unique forms and qualities of plants. The use of unconventional materials in ikebana allows a deeper understanding of the nature of things. However, the aesthetics of ikebana and its fundamental principles are the beauty of naturalness, simplicity, a careful and careful attitude to nature. They are preserved throughout history, making it a completely unique and unique phenomenon in the world of art.
Under the influence of avant-garde movements in 1927, Sofu Tesigahara created the innovative school of ikebana Sogetsu, which successfully develops the creative possibilities of ikebana in the modern world. Thanks to the activities of the ikebana school, it has long gone beyond the boundaries of classical interiors and has declared itself as one of the most relevant and daring directions in art.
Sogetsu is a world of rich imagination and bold design solutions, the use and combination of a variety of materials, including non-natural origin, and sometimes very non-standard. In volumetric compositions of masters of the school, Sogetsu revive and acquire new properties metal, plastic, paper, fabric, which expands the realization of creative possibilities.
The exhibition “Space of Symbols” presents works based on non-standard solutions. These experiments excite the imagination and make you look more closely at the surrounding world and take more care: we draw inspiration from nature, even if we create the most non-standard and daring works.
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