Saturday Past (12+)
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27 Января
Воронежский государственный академический театр драмы им. А. Кольцова
пр. Революции, 55
January 27th
No wonder they say: "History repeats itself." This happened to Russia in the early 1990s. The era of A.N. Ostrovsky with his heroes and passions unexpectedly returned to us. The play “Bankrupt”, the first composition of the great playwright (1849), one of the ten most famous, is now quite understandable to the viewer and its name and twists in the fate of its heroes. It’s also a comedy. And its famous actors play in beautiful stage and musical design.
In 2007, the performance was a great success at the International Festival of the Black Sea Basin in Trabzon (Republic of Turkey). In May 2009 it was shown at the International Festival "In the Homeland of A.P. Chekhov" in Taganrog.
Spectators will be able to once again plunge into the atmosphere of their favorite productions, watch videos of performances that are iconic for the history of the theater, and remember with the actors how it was and what kind of mark the performer or performer left in their hearts.
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