Saturday Past (12+) Automatic translate
10 Июня
Воронежский государственный академический театр драмы им. А. Кольцова
пр. Революции, 55
The final meeting of this season, “The Past on Saturdays,” will be dedicated to the performance of Vladimir Petrov based on Jean Anouil’s play “Arrest”.
This is the first performance staged on the Voronezh stage by the current artistic director of the theater, Honored Art Worker of Russia Vladimir Sergeyevich Petrov, and became, after the theater returned to the historical building, history.
"Arrest" had a short, but memorable stage life. It had a lot of vivid acting, it was loved by the audience and recognized by the professional community.
The performance became the laureate of the regional competition “Results of the season 2010/2011” in the nomination “Event of the season”.
The winners of the competition were the following performers:
Sergey Karpov for the role of Men in the nomination "Best Actor in a Drama Performance",
Elena Gladysheva for the role of Grandma in the nomination "Best Supporting Role in a Drama Performance".
And the children employed in the play received the Prize of the criticism section.
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