The project "Sounding canvases. Marc Chagall" Duduk, organ and saxophone
Automatic translate
5 Ноября
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday November 5, 6 p.m.
Marc Chagall taught man to fly. Like angels and birds, with a naive happy smile. A miracle is born before your eyes - under the arches of the cathedral, the sounds of an organ, duduk and saxophone soar, intertwining.
Project “Sounding Canvases. Mark Shagal"
Duduk, organ and saxophone
Duration - 75 minutes
Great artists, reflecting life, change it. Their impudent look at the long familiar makes them abandon stereotypes. Marc Chagall taught man to fly. To fly, overcoming the laws of gravity - by the power of thought, by the power of love, by the power of faith. To do this is absolutely natural, without stress. Fly like breathing Fly dreaming. Like angels and birds, with a naive happy smile. And, certainly - holding hands. Or hugging. Everything is simple. It is enough to want once, and the impossible becomes possible. Great artists create a new reality. And, thanks to them, the meaning of human existence begins to be realized.
Duduk, organ and saxophone directed to the sky. They, too, are from the reality of a miracle.
Lilia Chistina sand animation
Laureates of international competitions
Egor Kolesov organ
Argyshty armenian duduk
Glazunov Saxophone Quartet
Andrey Kravchenko soprano saxophone
Gennady Poluyaktov alto saxophone
Stanislav Pyalov tenor saxophone
Alexander Strelyaev saxophone baritone
In the program: I.S. Bach, J. Caccini, F. Schubert, M. Ravel, A. Piazzolla
- Sounding canvases. Mark Shagal. Organ, duduk and saxophone
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- "Duduk, organ, saxophone"
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