Project "Earth and Sky". Painting by Konstantin Sutyagin, music by Ivan Sokolov
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с 9 Июля
по 25 АвгустаГалерея искусств Зураба Церетели
ул. Пречистенка, 19
The MastArt Gallery presents a unique multimedia project “Earth and Sky”, the presentation of which will take place on July 16, 2019 at 17.00 at the MVK PAK Gallery of Art (Moscow, 19 Prechistenka)
The artist and writer Konstantin Sutyagin and composer Ivan Sokolov by means of music and painting make an attempt to comprehend the New Testament. The authors, each in their own way, reflect on eternal human themes, trying to imagine themselves as participants in the events of two thousand years ago, to try them on the life of a modern person, to relate themselves to the gospel events. Both the artist and the composer set themselves the task of not illustrating textbook plots, but of telling about the Divine presence in the fate of each person, trying to see the Providence in everyday life, Life in the world.
The project was created over five years. Konstantin Sutyagin wrote a series of more than a hundred paintings. Ivan Sokolov piano cycle of 31 preludes, recitative and epilogue. Creative work went in parallel, accompanied by dialogues between the artist and the composer. Thanks to such communication, a completely new work of art has appeared in which painting, music and word complement each other.
Konstantin Sutyagin was born in Ufa in 1964. He participated in more than 100 exhibitions. His works are in the collections of the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum and other large state collections in Russia and abroad. The author of a number of books on the relationship between the artist and society. Winner of the New Pushkins Prize for “Harmony of Word and Image”
Ivan Sokolov was born in Moscow in 1960 in the family of the famous art critic Gleb Sokolov. An outstanding pianist, giving concerts all over the world. Lecturer at the Moscow Conservatory and the Academy of Music. Gnesins. A composer whose talent is recognized in our country and abroad. The author of original, modern classical music.
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