Project of the creative group RGB "On the windowsill"
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с 1 по 18 Июня
Творческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, д.70
On the windowsill..
There is always life on the windowsill.
This is the line between the external world and the personal world.
What separates us from the urban energy circuit.
Sometimes cacti live on the windowsill,
protecting their owners from unsolicited guests,
sometimes geraniums, sometimes cats and sometimes coveted loneliness.
There is an external world, an internal world, and a windowsill — an interworld.
The RGB creative group brought together the best artists of the city to create the creative project “On the windowsill.” A unique exhibition bringing together the best artists of our city, inspired by one idea, ready once again to surprise and delight.
The project will be attended by members of the Union and the Creative Union of Artists, famous artists
Anatoly Zaslavsky, Aron Zinshtein, Yulia Lintsbach, Alexander Rumyantsev, Ilya Ovsyannikov, Oksana Petrova, Svetlana Karlykhanova, Irina Muzyrina, Maria Tregubenko, Alexander Gushchin, Olga Moiseeva, Tatyana Voronkova, Elena Schelchkova, Antonina Shadrina, Elena Artsutanova, Natalia Borz, Svetlana Zapolskaya, Nadezhda Kushnareva, Sofia Halkidis, Maria Mamkaeva, Marina Oz.
The exhibition opens in the Design Club Gallery, 2nd floor
Creative cluster ARTMUZA,
V.O., 13 line, d. 70
the entrance is free