Project "Transparency" by Irina Sidorina
Automatic translate
с 21 по 27 Марта
Поволжское отделение Российской академии художеств
Лаврушинский пер., д. 15
".. The rhythms are disturbing
Enchanted into the world… "
(A.N. Scriabin, The Poem of Ecstasy, Op. 54)
Our world, our life is a series of moments. Human memory fixes everything, preserving it in fragments and episodes of the seeking and denying consciousness. An alarmingly unconscious lurks in the gaps of the conscious. That which is impossible to realize calls for a solution. Music, vinyl transparent film, black marker. With a free stroke, a graphic version of a momentary emotional outburst is created. Layer after layer, a whole image and impulse for further actions are manifested…
Transparent and very thin line between abstraction and reality. Abstracting from the form created by nature, we look at the essence of a phenomenon or object. It’s as if we are taking an X-ray, trying to understand what’s inside inside beyond reality.
The project "Transparency" unique (potential key), the artists are at a great distance from each other, they have never met. The World Wide Web is the source of contact, and the search for a harmony algorithm.
The project involves: David Ru, Victor Tank, Iya Ozerova, Marina Leizgold, Alex Kharlamov, David Babayan
- New entities
- Pictures of young artist Karine Babayan will show the beauty of Armenia
- Igor Dryomin: Abstraction without Borders
- David Roo. Abstraction without borders
- Travel from Moscow to Petersburg with Prokofiev and Gergiev