The project "WINNERS" creative cluster "ARTMUZA"
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с 27 Апреля
по 31 МаяТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, д.70
In honor of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the “ARTMUZA” creative cluster opens a large-scale project “WINNERS”, within the framework of which a number of thematic exhibitions of painting, sculpture, drawing and photography will be presented.
The project "WINNERS" will last from April 27 to May 31.
70 years have passed since the moment when the Great Patriotic War ended. During this time, much has changed: people, country, life. But, still veterans are alive, people who survived the war, the blockade, hunger, alive memory and pride for their feat. Each house has a story about grandfather or grandmother, about a father or mother who survived the war, fought for peace and for the freedom of their country. The story of how this victory was given to us at the cost of huge losses.
Today, many are trying to rewrite the events of war, distorting all the facts! The objective of the “WINNERS” project is to keep the story! Remind about the past, about the feat and about the people thanks to whom we won. Marshals, commanders, soldiers, war correspondents, women who tirelessly worked in military factories, children who survived the famine and all the hardships of the war — all of them, each in their own way, fought for victory, for life! All of them are WINNERS!
The “WINNERS” project includes several diverse expositions that allow us to feel again and again to the last nerve the feat of our country, all the pain and all the hardships of war, to remember and honor the memory of the fallen and now surviving WINNERS.
Exhibition of Graphics "Children of the Siege"
The blockade of Leningrad is one of the main terrifying and sad events of the Great Patriotic War. For today’s Petersburgers, the years of the blockade are an important historical milestone, the understanding and comprehension of which, including through art, allows us to look at ourselves and our hometown differently.
The name of the exhibition, "Children of the Siege", speaks for itself. The exposition is a collection of works written by artists who grew up in besieged Leningrad. The exhibition will feature graphic works by besieged artists: Marttyly E., Petrova V. Smirnova A., Shevchenko V.
The presented works of artists will tell about the people of the siege, the heroes of Leningrad, about the courage of everyone and mass heroism, about those who made the Great Victory in the Great War possible with their daily efforts, struggle and perseverance of character.
Creative cluster “ARTMUZA” (V.O., 13 line, d. 70 - 72.)
2nd floor
The entrance is free!
Exhibition of paintings by Yu. Belov “That life continued”
Yuri Vladimirovich Belov - a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a resident of besieged Leningrad, was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad." The artist studied and created his first paintings in the besieged city, which naturally affected the theme of his work. The master’s paintings are dedicated to the fighting, the heroism of the defenders of the motherland, soldiers and ordinary people who daily had to show their courage and stamina. A special place in the artist’s work is devoted to the role of women in the war, because it was on the female shoulders that all the hardships of life in the rear fell.
Portraits of veterans of the Great Patriotic War - friends and relatives of the artist, still lifes - as a sign of gratitude to the people who created the Victory, as well as the painting “Under the Banner of Victory” completed this year will be presented at the exhibition “To Keep Life Going On”.
Creative cluster “ARTMUZA” (V.O., 13 line, d. 70 - 72.)
3rd floor of the gallery "Flow"
The entrance is free!
Exhibition "Faces of Victory"
The exhibition will be attended by both well-known and successful masters (Igor Kravtsov, Anatoly Nachev, Andrey Bazanov and many others), as well as young artists.
The main idea of the exhibition is to combine two times together: past and present; thereby showing the young generation how and by whom the Victory was won!
The exposition will feature portraits of soldiers and veterans of World War II.
In the conference hall, an interactive children’s exhibition “World through the eyes of children” will open, dedicated to the main event of 2015 - the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory Day. The exhibition will be built around only one topic, the theme of "Great Victory"!
Under the guidance of Elena Kosarkova, students of the Golden Key children’s art studio will try to best reveal the theme of the Victory Day.
ARTMUZA Creative Cluster (V.O., 13 line, d. 70 - 72.)
Gallery "Artist’s Studio", 3rd floor
The entrance is free
Photo exhibition “VICTORY DAY”
The photo exhibition “VICTORY DAY” is a joint project of four St. Petersburg photojournalists led by the Elder in Reason (he was born in Leningrad in 1939) - the legendary Igor Potemkin, a resident of besieged Leningrad.
Igor Petrovich, a photojournalist from God, back in the early 90s, came up with and organized a meeting of all the city’s photo correspondents on the Neva on the steps of the main staircase of Mikhailovsky Castle on May 5. This year 2015, therefore, it will be the XXIV traditional meeting of photographers. On the Potemkin Stairs, competitors appear as one fraternity. And this is far from the only remarkable idea of Potemkin. He initiated meetings of all the Petrovichs in our city (in the sense that all Petrovichs are like the sons of the nests of Petrov, Emperor Peter the Great), and also organized and led the creative group of his colleagues and like-minded Brothers in Reason. Today IPPotyomkin is the oldest employee of the Interpress photo-information agency.
Photographer Pavel Markin was born after the war in 1946 in Leningrad. He began photographing at the age of four. He worked for a quarter century in the newspaper Smena, ten years in the Leningrad Worker, seven years in the newspaper Rossiya. For 30 years, Pavel Mikhailovich has been the head of the Faculty of Photojournalists of the Union of Journalists of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Thousands of graduates of this unusual educational institution can be found in various corners of the globe.
Alexander Krupnov was also born in Leningrad in 1955. He studied photography with the great Alexander Ivanovich Brodsky at the faculty of photojournalists. More than thirty years in photojournalism. In the 1980s worked in the newspaper "Soviet Culture", then in the journal "Expert", at the St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic, at many foreign music festivals…
Dmitry Lovetsky (Associated Press photojournalist) is the youngest among the participants of this exposition - he was born in Leningrad in 1965. Colleagues call him Fotokulibin. He is in constant creative search. Subject to him and shooting under water, and high in the sky above the ground with the help of miniature aircraft. As a lens, he often uses a telescope and a microscope. Photos of Dmitry Lovetsky captivate with their simplicity and depth of penetration into the subject, ease and good sense of humor, they show the author’s interest and curiosity in the world around us, in the little things that make up our everyday life.
All 60 photographs, in our opinion, are very lively, kind and open - as the authors of this anniversary exhibition themselves.
ARTMUZA Creative Cluster (V.O., 13 line, d. 70 - 72.)
Opening hours: 11:00 - 20:00. The entrance is free.