Projections of Contemporary Music:
Automatic translate
14 Марта
Рахманиновский зал консерватории
ул. Большая Никитская, д. 13/6

March 14, 2019 at 19:00.
In the year of its 25th anniversary, the ensemble Studio of New Music invites you to travel on the musical map of Europe. “Projections” is an attempt to find answers together to questions that concern the musical community of countries with which the ensemble has developed special partnerships and friendships. The next concert of the cycle will present contemporary art in Switzerland - a country that in recent decades has become one of the centers of the world avant-garde, having formed a number of venues for the most daring creative experiments. The variety of aesthetic approaches and the individuality of the artistic expression are distinguished by the works of the professor of the University of the Arts of Zurich, Isabelle Mundri and her graduates Mauro Hertig and Misha Seidenberg, whose plays will also be performed by the Studio.
What is musical perception? How does it become personal experience, and what role does listening differentiation play in this? These questions, one way or another, are addressed in all the works of the concert. Appeal to musical archetypes as a kind of artifacts, the artistic potential of which is subjected to critical consideration; the creation of a new listening experience and semantic relationships as a result of a conscious emphasis on the "imperfection" of the composition process (I. Mundri); or, conversely, composition as a filigree work with discovered isolated phenomena (M. Seidenberg); listening as building the internal relationships of what was previously learned and projected into the future (M. Hertig).
Staying true to the principle of cooperation and creative exchange, the Studio invites you to discuss these and many other issues not only during the concert, but also at a creative meeting with Professor Isabelle Mundry, who will specially visit Moscow for this concert.
The project is supported by the Swiss Cultural Council Pro Helvetia.
Sergey Chirkov, curator of the project.
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