Ticket sales to Moscow theaters on teatr-eseats.ru
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In Moscow, stage venues are literally for every taste. Each connoisseur will find something to his liking. Ballet P.I. is close to someone Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake, and someone is delighted with the play of dramatic stars in Lenkom. But a visit to the theater begins with the purchase of a ticket.
Make it very convenient on the site http://teatr-eseats.ru/ . There you can find a detailed repertoire of Moscow theaters and prices.
Shadow play
It is customary to distinguish ballet, opera and drama in certain types of art. But there is still a unique theater of the East. You can watch it while visiting Asian countries, or you can without leaving Moscow. True, this will only be possible if there is an appropriate repertoire on our sites. These are completely original productions. The most famous varieties: "Kabuki", "Shadow Theater", "Puppet Theater on the Water."
The use of shadows as the main characters began in Asia at the beginning of our era. This kind of performance became especially popular in China, Indonesia, and India. It is completely original in every country. But there are common features. It uses a large screen that transmits light, translucent, to which puppets on sticks lean against the back. For the manufacture of figures used leather, paper or cardboard.
In the XVI century in Turkey, the maximum flourishing of the shadow theater was noted. Where did it spread throughout Europe. The popularizer in Germany is the famous poet Goethe. Today, this art is experiencing a gradual decline, being supplanted by other species.
Kabuki is a traditional theater in Japan. It attaches great importance to the symbolism of scenery, costumes of actors, their makeup. All roles are performed only by men. They sing, dance, play musical instruments, recite. Actors in female images are called onnata.
But that was not the case from the beginning. When kabuki was born in the 17th century, only women played in it. The first actress, Okuni, was a religious servant. Her ritual dances in crowded places attracted many spectators. Imitators appeared, art was born.
Due to the debauchery of actresses, they were forbidden to participate in kabuki. Further, this ban also affected young men. Since 1653, adult men have been playing there. This served the development of an extraordinary stylization of representations, symbolism in every detail.
Kabuki is the most popular theater type in Japan today. Perch erected a monument. And this variety of stage art is included in the list of UNESCO masterpieces. True lovers all over the world enjoy getting to know the theater of the East.