"The Awakening of Spring. Painting and Graphics by Oleg Tolstoy"
Automatic translate
с 15 Марта
по 21 АпреляКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103

Oleg Vladimirovich Tolstoy (1927-1992) - Soviet painter, great-grandson of Leo Tolstoy (along the lines of Ilya Lvovich). Graduate of the Art Institute. IN AND. Surikov, he is well known to connoisseurs of the Russian traditional landscape. The master made many trips around the territory of the Soviet Union, but a special place in his work was occupied by the views of Yasnaya Polyana, where he first arrived in 1947. With external modesty, Tolstoy’s work is distinguished by internal depth. He managed to create complex harmonious color relationships with the characteristic effect of soft sphumato, thanks to which the compositions are filled with air and light.
More than a century of history connects the Tolstoy clan with the Kaluga Territory. In the Maloyaroslavets district, there is one of the oldest landowners’ estates in the Kaluga Region, Mansurovo, whose last owner was Lev Nikolaevich’s son, Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, who acquired the estate in 1901. A creative atmosphere reigned in the house, to which all the children joined: the wife of Ilya Lvovich Sofya Nikolaevna (Filosofova) played music beautifully, and the owner of the estate took painting lessons and even arranged an art workshop in one of the rooms. Sofya Nikolaevna also led the girls ’choir in the private girls’ gymnasium Salova in Kaluga.
The exhibition "Awakening of Spring" could not have taken place without the participation of the guardian of the creative heritage of the artist and his daughter - Natalia Olegovna Tolstoy, who provided work for the exhibition.
On the opening day are invited:
- Tolstaya Natalia Olegovna - artist, daughter of Oleg Vladimirovich Tolstoy,
- Tolstaya Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - Director of the State Memorial and Natural Reserve “Museum-Estate of L.N. Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana"
- Tolstoy Vladimir Ilyich - Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on cultural issues,
- Tolstoy Peter Olegovich - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation,
- Evgeny Anatolyevich Bogatyrev - Director of the State Museum A.S. Pushkin, Honored Worker of Culture, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation,
- Arkhangelov Sergey Alexandrovich - Director of the State Museum L.N. Tolstoy.
The exhibition runs until April 21, 2019.
- Art of Ossetia
- Caucasus: Attraction of the Future
- "The house I live in …" Exhibition of works by Yuri Abisalov
- ANTIQUE ART. The collection of Michael and Elena Karisalov
- Igor Dremin: Mikhail and Olga Bogatyrev at the Gallery of pictorial art