Automatic translate
с 8 Марта
по 7 АпреляТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
An exhibition of paintings and drawings by students of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Industrial Technology and Design.
Gallery “Ul. Malevich ", 3rd floor, and the gallery" Ul. Bolshaya Handicraft ”, 4th floor.

The exhibition “Test of Pen” is dedicated to the discovery of new names of the creative cluster. The exhibition presents the work of students of 1 – 5 courses of the Department of Painting and Drawing of St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design. Young talents give free liveliness to the line, immediacy of thought and a fresh look at the world around them. Beginners are distinguished from professionals by the search for their own style, and the search is always development, movement, growth.
Young artists of St. Petersburg declare themselves. The new generation sets new trends, defines the vector of movement and breathes in the back to professionals, which deserves attention no less than the latter. The exhibition will be the destruction of stereotypes, a debriefing, an answer to the question of what art is in a situation when it has no age.
- Successful “Screen Test” by Viktor Krasovsky and Jan Saski
- Trial and error painting
- The problem of understanding contemporary art
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- "Children of Vanyushin" at the Maly Theater - an old play with modern problems
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