Arrival. Exhibition of Alexander Artemov and Yuri Molodkovets. 6+
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с 15 Февраля
по 17 МартаМузей современного искусства Эрарта
Васильевский остров, 29-я линия, д.2
Erarta Museum of Modern Art presents the “Arrival” exhibition - a series of portraits of a person in the first minutes after birth.
In the photographs of Alexander Artemov and Yuri Molodkovets we see not defenseless newborns, but strong, powerful creatures who came to Earth with their tasks and missions of a surprisingly different range. Examining and unraveling the characters and fates of the Heroes in the pictures is one of the main aesthetic tasks of this project.
Yuri Molodkovets argues on this subject as follows: “From what moment do we remember ourselves? From four, three, two years, hardly before… A long period of time is covered with a haze of unknown, fragmentary details about it can be found in the stories of parents, older sisters or brothers, other relatives… How accurate are they? How much do you give an answer about your first impressions, thoughts, desires?.. Complete suspense and emptiness.
Maternity hospital number 10. Every day children are born here. The first they meet are two photographers, Alexander Artyomov and Yuri Molodkovets. This is a series of unique meetings. And this is a unique experience. For us photographers, absolutely. These are portraits of only babies… But the Future is behind them, the Strength is behind them, the Decisions of our Common Fate are behind them… Every day, children are born all over the world, this is Arrival… What is this story about? About Cosmos and about God. "
The Arrival exhibition will be held on the 4th floor of the Exhibition Wing of the Erarta Museum from February 15 to March 17, 2018.
- Photo exhibition of Yuri Molodkovets "Children’s Album" at the Toy Museum
- Magical Realism in the Stories of Vladimir Nabokov