The presentation of the book "Happiness is ...", written by child authors, was held at Moscow school number 1100
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The sonorous voices of the factory-children and those who agreed on a holiday for adults that evening sang songs and poems, dancers with intricate knees surprised, the audience beat their palms in applause.
Book of essays about happiness was celebrated. Her presentation took place on October 8, on Wednesday at 1100 Moscow, the most ordinary, as they say now: a basic school. The authors are children from six countries: Germany, France, Hungary, Tanzania, Ukraine and Russia filled the pages of a richly illustrated text with their love for the world and the desire to correct its imperfections. That is why each of the essays and drawings that got into the publication during the contest is imbued with an amazing light of sincerity, kindness and genuine optimism.
The organizers were at their best: the teleconference linking Moscow, Krasnoyarsk and German Deggendorf turned out to be full of people wishing to talk about happiness. The famous athlete, multiple world record holder in swimming Dmitry Volkov, who became the host of the evening, with difficulty pulled out the initiative of the participants, passing the word from one studio to another. When the meeting in Moscow was just beginning in Siberia, night was already falling, so the clowns, magicians and jugglers who gathered there to surprise the audience, along with other very important people, received legal priority.
To the question of the host from Moscow about what happiness means to him, the mayor of Krasnoyarsk Edham Akbulatov philosophically remarked: “You can live and perceive the environment in different ways. Someone sees the world in a dark, dull light and does not believe in the possibility of happiness. And others believe. And let them say that only romantics see the world through pink glasses. Everyone chooses for himself and for himself. ”
Then it was Germany’s turn, the position of the directors of the Bavarian district schools was voiced by the Burgermeister of the city of Deggendorf, Mr. Hermann Wellner, he thanked his colleagues from Russia and said that such a literary project is a breakthrough not only in relations with peers from other countries, but also a significant contribution to peace all over the planet.
And in Moscow, passions only grew hot! What guests were there! Olympic champion of Turin, State Duma deputy Svetlana Zhurova, she certainly knows a lot about happiness, but admitted that she is not averse to reading about it. After all, children are great specialists in this matter! Mischief-maker and laughter, a brilliant adventurer and musician Andrei Razin, as it turned out, also wants to be happy! As if having thrown off his shoulders for about thirty years, he sang along with the famous Na-Nayts Volodya Levkin, who could not resist, impromptu playing his old, beloved by the people hit about the old hat. Ilya Malkov, Director General of the All-Russian Society of Telecommunications, debated with his colleagues from Germany on the topic: what is the blogger’s responsibility for the consequences of his publicly available posts. And the legendary TV presenter, the brilliant poet Ivan Kononov asked in a voice of the character of his children’s poem: “How much is nonsense?”, And replied changing in his face: “A pair of burdock leaves!” Literary lovers with experience and without share the secret, invited stars radiated grace. Having agreed to meet in a week in Germany, the guests parted. And not in earnest, because from the nets attached to the ceiling hundreds of balloons spilled out onto them! What was there! Adults turned into children, and children into monsters!
But now, the host gives the go-ahead and the “magic lantern” goes out, the teleconference has finished its work, the presentation of the book is completed. And what is left? Answers on questions? What do we cherish? What are we striving for? Alas, everyone has their own recipe. Everything is relative, including we, readers and writers, who have glanced into this beautiful and dangerous life in search of the most important thing. Even happiness, as a state, a loud coin of the quality of being, evolves along with the axioms of childhood. And yet, as one wise Hungarian girl said in that same book about happiness: “If no one were happy in the world, the world would be a bad place to live…”