Presentation of the Translation Library of the XX Century Opera Librettos by Mikhail Feldstein and Discussion "What happened to the opera libretto in the XX-XXI centuries?"
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14 Марта
Конференц-зал консерватории
ул. Большая Никитская, д. 13/6

03/14/2019 at 12:00.
Site about Stravinsky’s new music. online begins to publish materials of the Library of Translation of Opera Libretto of the 20th Century, which for 35 years has been carried out by the Moscow Club of Philophonists and one of its leaders, Mikhail Feldstein.
All lovers of classical music and musical theater are familiar with collections such as “Opera Libretto. Summary of the contents of operas. " Before watching a performance in a theater or broadcasting on the Internet, many of us get to know or refresh the plot of the play. Unfortunately, most of these collections are limited to the classic-romantic repertoire. Now, fans of the modern opera will have the opportunity to join the libretto in Russian. Today, in the age of mobility and the development of the Internet, when music lovers have the opportunity to go on stage to any city in the world, not to mention the fact that you can simply join any of the many broadcasts, over 700 librettos of modern operas in Russian will be freely available rediscover the exciting world of musical theater.
On the occasion of the beginning of the publication of the Library at the Moscow Conservatory there will be a discussion "What happened to the opera libretto in the XX-XXI centuries?"
Especially for participation in this discussion, an outstanding linguist and musicologist, author of the book “Five Opera and Symphony” Boris Gasparov (professor at Columbia, Stanford University, Berkeley University) will come to Moscow. Another guest at the round table will be composer Isabelle Mundry, author of the opera Odyssey - Breath, which received the prize of the German press Best Opera of the Year (2005). The conversation will be attended by representatives of leading musical theaters of Russia - director, artistic director of the opera at MAMT named after K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko - Alexander Titel and director of the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater Andrei Shishkin; famous Russian opera composers Vladimir Tarnopolsky (professor at the Moscow Conservatory, artistic director of the Studio for New Music ensemble), Dmitry Kurlyandsky (musical director of the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre) and Alexei Syumak (musical director of the Praktika Theater).
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