White month holiday
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с 8 по 25 Февраля
Усадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
By the New Year on the Eastern calendar in the Irkutsk Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev is preparing a whole series of various events. So, from February 8 to 25, in the Estate of V.P. Sukachev (112 December Events Street), an interactive program called “White Month Holiday” was prepared for preschool and primary school children. During an exciting game, children can become more familiar with the culture of the indigenous people of the Baikal region - the Buryats; learn about the traditions of the celebration of the Buryat New Year - Sagaalgan, as well as about what rituals are held these days. Here you can also see national Buryat costumes, get acquainted with the traditions of national cuisine and learn the Buryat folk dance - yokhor.
- Moscow will celebrate the White Month holiday on a large scale
- An unforgettable beginning of autumn in Ulan-Uda together with Dmitry Masleev, Moscow Virtuosi and Ludub Ochirov
- Baikal, the deepest freshwater lake in the world
- Igor Dryomin: Exhibition "Dashi Namdakov. Transformation"
- All-Russian Exhibition-Competition "Fairy Tale in a Tree"
- Exhibition "Buryat Universe"