"The rule of exclusivity"
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с 4 по 15 Марта
Фонд культуры “ЕКАТЕРИНА”
ул. Кузнецкий мост, дом 21/5, 8 подъезд, вход с ул. Большая Лубянка

The company "Takeda" in conjunction with MGHPA them. S. G. Stroganova, the Moscow Art Theater School and the Ekaterina Culture Foundation will present the exhibition project “The Rule of Exclusivity”. Laureates of the international creative competition among students of universities and art schools “Takeda. Art / Help. The rule of exclusivity ”, as well as director Veniamin Ilyasov will present works within the framework of a socio-cultural project in support of the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases. The exposition of the exhibition reveals the theme of the will to live and recognition of the uniqueness of life. The curator of the project is art critic Sergey Khachaturov.
Elena Kartasheva, president of Takeda Russia, commented on the project idea: “The social and art project“ Takeda. Art / Help ”was launched four years ago. Using the language of art, we talked about overcoming ourselves and circumstances, about new technologies and how they transform our lives. Today we talk about how important it is to support people with rare diseases. Raising this topic, we want to remind society: we are all very different, each of us is unique and endowed with exceptional qualities. At the same time, it is important for everyone to feel the care of loved ones and the support of society and the state. For patients with rare diseases and their families, every new day is a new victory over the disease, and they really need our support and attention. ”
The exhibition exposition consists of three parts. The first part of the project presents the works of laureates and winners of the 2020 international art competition. The competition lasted two months, from November 18, 2019 to January 18, 2020, and during this time the organizing committee received about 250 applications from 22 countries and 69 cities. The jury selected 50 works for the exhibition, among which seven laureates of the competition who shared the first, two second, three third places and a special mention of the Takeda company. Co-organizer of the competition is MGHPA them. S. G. Stroganova. The curator of the project, Sergey Khachaturov, notes: “People use a careless phrase:“ Exceptions confirm the rules. ” With regard to the human community, it is not at all true. In the world of people, every person is an exception. It is unique and requires an individual, not
general "right" approach. In this sense, the great humanistic message of civilization. Taking care of each, unique, special is our duty and duty. Young artists address the topic “The Rule of Exclusivity” during a competition held by Takeda, a pharmaceutical company specializing in developing innovative therapies for patients with rare diseases. The chosen topic brings together the world of humanistic science and the world of art. After all, every artist is unique, and due to his exceptional character, he is able to create. ” The second part of the exhibition consists of an audio-sound installation created specifically for the project by artists Sergei Mironenko, Oleg Makarov and Marina Rudenko, as well as an information zone where the materials provided by the All-Russian Society of Rare (Orphan) Diseases, the All-Russian Society of Hemophilia, Hunter- Syndrome ”, Autonomous Non-Profit Organization for Assisting Patients with Short Intestine Syndrome with Metabolic Disorders“ Wind of Hopes ”, Interregional Public RGANIZATION support of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and the syndrome short bowel (JCC) "Trust". In this part of the exhibition, voices of Russian patients with rare diseases will be heard, where they talk about themselves and their dreams.
Finally, the third, climactic part: a cinema hall, where two novels by director Veniamin Ilyasov are presented, collaborating with the Gogol Center, the Praktika Theater and the Theater named after V. Mayakovsky. The short story “Applicant”, in which Igor Yasulovich, Tatyana Lazareva and Tatyana Vedeneeva take part, makes it possible to see a situation where the main character has a chance to change his life, despite the hardships of circumstances. The second short story “Students” tells how obstacles and obstacles to discovering talent can be cleverly overcome, thereby further freeing the unique nature of the gift. Video Novels were created in collaboration with the project partner, the Moscow Art Theater School.
Two monumental works by Dmitry Gretsky, created in collaboration with Eugenia Katz from the Terracotta Worriers series from the collection of the Ekaterina Culture Foundation, will complement the exposition.
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