Singing Theater. 6+
Automatic translate
29 Января
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
The next meeting of the series “The Magic World of Theater” is devoted to getting to know the genres of opera and operetta and their differences.
The participants will make a fascinating journey through the most beautiful opera houses in the world, hear the brightest arias performed by the soloists of the Petersburg Concert, become participants in a vocal game master class, try on the images of some characters of the opera and operetta.
Anna Fomicheva
laureate of the international competition Irina Mkrticheva (soprano)
Aslan Namitok (tenor)
Dmitry Dmitriev
Director - Tatyana Sobennikova
Beginning at 12 o’clock
- Our Pushkin. 6+
- Friends, our union is wonderful … 6 +
- Echo of Italy. 6+
- Angel of music. 6+
- From the cycle "Music for All" Tchaikovsky. Autumn song To the 180th birthday 6+
Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.