Let’s go to the theater!
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13 Октября
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
The first meeting of the Magic World of the Theater subscription will introduce the history of theatrical art and the construction of the theater building, as well as the concepts of the main scenic genres.
Instrumental, dance, vocal, and dramatic genres will be presented by professional artists who will share some of the secrets of their skills during the practical part of the meeting. The children will have to perform a simple song with opera soloists, learn to pronounce complex tongue twisters with dramatic actors, master some of the dance exercises that professional dancers will show them…
Songs, dances, sketches, scenes from the play "Holidays in Italy" based on the tales of Gianni Rodari and much more will be shown by leading artists of the Petersburg Concert.
Laureate of international competitions Svetlana Taneeva (soprano)
Laureate of international competitions Vladimir Vyurov (baritone)
laureate of the international competition Dmitry Barbashin (piano)
Gennady Korobeinikov (guitar)
actors - Svetlana Maletskaya, Svetlana Spiridenkova, Artemy Miller
Director and composer - Vladimir Sivakov
choreographer - Natalya Kurichieva
artist - Tatyana Malkova
soloists of the ensemble "Barynya"
Anna Fomicheva
Director - Tatyana Sobennikova
Beginning at 14 o’clock.
- Exhibition of Evgenia Leonova "LIFE IS FULL OF FUN"
- One-man performance
- When the gnomes wake up
- When the gnomes wake up 6+
- King Thrushbeard. Brothers Grimm. 6+