Hidden Rus’. Christmas on Rogozhsky
Automatic translate
15 Декабря
Калужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
December 15 at 16.00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103) will host the grand opening of Oleg Molchanov’s exhibition “Secret Rus’. Christmas on Rogozhsky, dedicated to the history and culture of the Old Believers. The opening of the exhibition is timed to December 15, the day of church memory of the Russian church and public figure of the 17th century, Archpriest Avvakum, who is revered in most Old Believer churches and communities as a holy martyr and confessor. His name has become firmly established in Russian history and literature, his "Life" has been translated into many languages of the world. April 2022 marks the 340th anniversary of his death.

The Old Believers are a special phenomenon in Russian history and culture. Having arisen as a result of the split of the Russian Church and becoming a clear sign of the division of the hitherto unified Orthodox society, the Old Believers for three centuries experienced a negative attitude not only from church and state authorities, but also from historians, writers and ordinary people. Despite this, the Old Believers retained their faith, their spirituality, their culture. They are carriers of ancient Russian traditions and traditional religious mentality. One of the major Old Believer spiritual centers in Russia is the Rogozhskaya Sloboda in Moscow, which gave the second name to the exhibition.
The history and culture of the Old Believers was reflected not only in literature, but also in painting. The exposition presents the works of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Oleg Ivanovich Molchanov. He is a creative person, artist and sculptor, master of lyrical and dramatic landscape, TV presenter of the Soyuz channel. The exhibition project "Hidden Rus" created by him is presented in a version timed to coincide with the holiday of the Nativity of Christ "Christmas on Rogozhsky". His canvases, included in the exposition, capture the picturesque interiors of churches, scenes of worship, icons and crosses of rare beauty, festive dresses, fragments of domestic everyday life and landscapes of holy places.
All the works of the artist are distinguished by a high pictorial culture based on the truth of vision. His landscapes are imbued with a poetic perception of nature, and at the same time, they truly reflect the ancient Russian cities, architectural monuments, so organically inscribed by Russian builders of the 16th-19th centuries into the natural landscape of Russia. At the exhibition you can see other landscapes of the artist, created in different years. The exposition included a model of the monument to Archpriest Avvakum, created by O. I. Molchanov for Borovsk.
The exhibition presents objects of the Old Believer church culture from the artist’s collection. All paintings and objects of the Old Believer culture and life, collected in a single exhibition space, mutually complement each other. Exhibition “Hidden Rus’. Christmas on Rogozhsky" allows you to penetrate into the world of the Old Believer Church with its cultural tradition and spiritual history.
The museum is open from 10.00 to 18.00, on Saturday from 11.00 to 19.00. Day off - Monday.
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