"Dedication to Astor Piazzolla"
Automatic translate
16 Июля
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday July 16, 3 p.m.
Composer, kissed by God, able to dance in a dance to reflect the heavenly. The Creator, who dared to be true to himself, carried the fire of his gift through his whole life, without extinguishing it for a second - all this is Astor Piazzolla. The brightest composer of the twentieth century, whose popularity in the twenty-first century has only increased. And the tendency to increase listening love is ongoing. And irrefutable. Numerous works by Piazzolla have long been a classic. Just like the ballads of Chopin, the oratorio of Bach, the “Gothic Suite” by Boelmann. It makes absolutely no difference that Piazzolla is practically our contemporary (as well as the delightful Verne), and Chopin from the nineteenth century. Not to mention Bach, who began life in the seventeenth and illuminated the light of his inspiration in the eighteenth century. Truly ingenious is timeless. And, at the same time, it is they, geniuses, that are - time. Their inspiration is the thread connecting generations of people, giving us the status of civilized humanity.
Laureates of international competitions
Mikhail Katalikov
Tango Orchestra Misterioso
Anatoly Safonov - bandoneon
Yakov Chetverukhin - violin
Anton Semenovsky - cello
Maria Razmakhnina - piano
Yuri Gorelov - double bass
Program: L. Vjern, L. Boelman, K. Gardel, A. Piazzolla