"Dedication ...". Exhibition of works by Yuri Grigoryan
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с 17 Декабря
по 9 ЯнваряРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
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The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Yuri Surenovich Grigoryan. The exposition contains about forty works of the last few years. The exhibition is timed to coincide with the artist’s 75th anniversary.

A multifaceted, deep master, a brilliant representative of contemporary art, Yuri Grigoryan keeps his love for his native land all his life, singing it in his works. For more than half a century he has lived and worked in Moscow, but all his canvases are filled with memories of his homeland - Nagorno-Karabakh. Through this main theme of creativity, he speaks about the multidimensionality of the world, and, embodying the variability of instantaneous manifestations of life in his works, conveys his sense of the fundamental principles, laws and eternal harmony of being. “Yuri Surenovich Grigoryan is a freelance artist,” experts say. - What does free mean? Free from what, from whom? Free from many, and many, but not from himself. " The master remains true to himself, his inner feeling, artistic intuition, and hence the bright individuality of his painting, alive and full of meaning.
Yuri Grigoryan was born in 1946. Having received excellent professional training at the Moscow Art School in Memory of 1905 and the Moscow Art Institute named after V.I.Surikov, in the workshop of Professor N.A., the original technique, with the help of which he achieves a complex and peculiar texture of the paint layer.
The artist’s active creative life began in his student years, in 1972 he first participated in the Youth Exhibition of Moscow Artists. Distinguished by a rare capacity for work and industriousness, by the time he graduated from the university he managed to present more than seventy canvases to the exhibition in the editorial office of the Yunost magazine, and became a scholar of the Union of Artists of the USSR. And in 1987 his work "Armenian Woman" was awarded the Gold Medal at the exhibition "Contemporary Soviet Painting" in Japan. In total, Yuri Grigoryan has participated in more than 200 exhibitions and dozens of international auctions. His work, surprisingly integral and at the same time versatile, has earned the artist well-deserved recognition in Russia and abroad. The master’s works are presented in the largest Russian museums and galleries in many countries of the world.

“Yuri Grigoryan is a Russian Armenian artist. Armenian by birth, he really and organically absorbed Russian culture, Russian school and the ethics of true life into his creative being, "the researchers note. The artistic space of his works combines a colorful, almost musical, national theme with the high achievements of European painting. The images created by the master immerse the viewer in the world of the Caucasus and its inhabitants. The variety of genres in which the master works helps to capture this world in the smallest nuances. On his canvases there are majestic mountain landscapes, multi-figured genre sketches, enchanting portraits of women with gentle eyes. According to the artist, the concept is based only on color. It is he who determines the emotional structure of Yuri Grigoryan’s paintings, conveys both the joy and the tragedy of being, which the artist acutely feels.Over the years, color gradations become more diverse, stricter, more refined, as, for example, in his famous works "Mother", "Nurse", "Conversation". Smoothly, almost imperceptibly for the eye, flowing colors and shapes, the light and tonal environment fill the canvases with a haze, a touch of nostalgia, the depicted as if caught on the verge of transition from the visible to the transcendental. Evaluating the works of Grigoryan, art critics often note their inherent "… non-vain wisdom that goes back to biblical sources."Evaluating the works of Grigoryan, art critics often note their inherent "… non-vain wisdom that goes back to biblical sources."Evaluating the works of Grigoryan, art critics often note their inherent "… non-vain wisdom that goes back to biblical sources."

The artist’s works and exhibition projects in recent years broaden the understanding of the scale of his work. “I would characterize this scale with the word“ parables ”,” says Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts A. A. Zolotov. "The scale of personality" is a complex category. Everything is complicated here. The definition of scale itself: in what "square" or "cubic" meters to measure? the scale of Yuri Grigoryan’s personality is born from the fusion of works of different sounding, ambiguous in thought.
His landscapes breathe portrait guesswork of indescribably beautiful nature. And the people in his portraits show their naturalness, and through the naturalness, scale, in any case, character. Peering into the monumental lyrical, powerful landscapes of Grigoryan, into the Nature ascended by him, I realize that these are, perhaps, fragments of eternal existence in a living natural appearance. They magnify a separate unknown life, they conceal in themselves the sublime drama of life, and the height of feeling.
Communication with Yuri Grigoryan’s canvases gives rise to a feeling of confidence in people and the world. Each individual fate is mysterious, each view of the world, which endows us with a dazzling variety of life, but also the whims of life.
A personal exhibition of Yuri Grigoryan will be held in the halls of the Academy of Arts on Prechistenka. In the new halls his canvases will probably open up to us with renewed energy, for art speaks to us (and we to him) every time in the unexpectedness of the moment and the emotional disposition. "
The text was prepared on the basis of an article by Professor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts A. A. Zolotov
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