Automatic translate
с 16 Ноября
по 11 ДекабряBratec Lis Gallery
Спартаковский пер., 2, стр. 1
You have not seen such a Moscow yet! We offer a look at the views of the capital in a watercolor interpretation of the artist Polina Yegorushkina, winner of the prize "For Outstanding Excellence" at the 2015 International Watercolor Biennale in Shenzhen (China).
At the exhibition, you can see the artist’s work and purchase in a personal collection. The catalogs of the Moskvarel exhibition and reproductions of some paintings will also be available.
“Most often I write in watercolor on wet paper without any pencil and sketch, I don’t want something to hamper the process. In a matter of seconds, the idea can change, but the pencil will not let the thought wiggle, it will hold it.. I do not like it. It gets in the way when you write in one go.
I use speed as a way to make work as sincere as possible.
I write what is nearby, what surrounds me every day. These decorations of our life have a huge impact on us. So the Moskvarel series appeared, inspired by the beloved city. ”
Polina Egorushkina
Exhibition opening hours: November 16 — December 11, 2015, Monday through Friday, 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Moscow, Spartakovsky per., 2, p. 1, Bratec Lis Gallery
Polina Egorushkina - Artist and Illustrator.
Lives and works in Moscow. Graduated from MGHPA them. Stroganova, is a member of the Moscow Union of Artists. Member of Russian and international exhibitions. Winner of the Excellence Award ("For Outstanding Excellence") at the International Watercolor Biennale in Shenzhen (China). Grand Prix of the “Perspective of Watercolor” competition in the framework of the international exhibition “Masters of Watercolor - 2015”. First degree diploma in the All-Russian competition “The Art of the Book. Traditions and Search ”for the decoration of Jules Verne’s book“ 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ”. First prize in the nomination “New names in book illustration” of the All-Russian competition of book illustration “Image of a book”.
Bratec Lis Gallery is an art gallery presenting viewers and art collectors with modern watercolor painting, graphics and illustration. Among our artists are Alexander Votsmush, famous for his “watercolor paintings,” Dasha Rybina, who creates large-scale monochrome works in the author’s technique, LaFe, a virtuoso of botanical watercolors, Nono Garcia, master of transferring paper and light, Carlos Leon Salazar, “expressionist from watercolors”. As an exhibition space, we opened in March 2014 with the exposition of Alexander Votsmush and Dasha Rybina, the online gallery has been operating since the fall of 2013.