Display of the performance of Vsevolod Lisovsky "Akyn Opera"
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21 Апреля
Центр Гиляровского
Столешников переулок, д.9, стр. 5
April 21 at 20.00 in the Center of the Gilyarovsk Museum of Moscow will be shown the performance of Vsevolod Lisovsky "Akyn Opera" as part of the educational program for the exhibition "Dear Muscovites and guests of the capital."
The heroes of the play are migrant artists who don’t give cues from the play, but talk about their lives, playing along with each other on national musical instruments. About what construction site it is better to work at, about how to get from the Pamir to Moscow, about the war, about death, about the house. In this performance, each story is a song. In 2014, the Akyn Opera was awarded the Golden Mask Prize.
Ticket price 500 rubles.
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Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.