Poetry of Victory. Respect. Remember
Automatic translate
9 Мая
Музейно-выставочный комплекс Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский переулок, 17
May 9 at 13:00 in the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the School of Watercolors Sergey Andriyaka held a festive and poetry event in memory of the events of the Second World War!
On the day of the 74th anniversary of the Great Victory of the Soviet soldier over the fascist invaders, a festive and poetic meeting will be held at the MVK School of Watercolor!
The program of the meeting, accompanied by instrumental accompaniment, includes poems dedicated to the events of World War II, which fully convey the atmosphere of that time. Famous and unfamiliar works of the repertoire definitely fall into the human soul of more than one generation!
The guests of the exhibition halls will enjoy the unique atmosphere of the era of the 40s of the last century, created by the general surroundings of the stage design of the meeting and the most significant exhibition of this spring “Poster of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. "!
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