"Planet Rus"
Automatic translate
с 5 Февраля
по 14 МартаКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103

On February 5 at 15.00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin st., 103, first floor), the exhibition project "Planet Rus" will open.
One of the important historical, patriotic and art projects of the International Academy of Culture and Art is the traveling exhibition project "Planet Rus".
The first exhibition "Planet Rus" was held in 2015 in the State Historical-Architectural and Natural-Landscape Museum-Reserve "Izborsk" and was timed to coincide with the forum of the same name, which worked in those days in the Izborsk Fortress. The forum participants brought handfuls of Russian soil from different regions of Russia, fanned by the glory of its heroes, to create the Sacred Hill and install the Poklonniy Cross as a symbol of the unity of the history of our Fatherland.
What makes a large community of people one nation? Common history and common culture. It is these two concepts at an incomprehensible mystical level that unite, it would seem, peoples of different blood, religion, world perception into something inseparable, powerful, whole.
In nature, there is an extremely hard, dense rock called sandstone. Once small and scattered particles of different minerals have cemented for millions of years to form a single monolith. This is how one of the most weather-resistant and destructive materials arose from grains of sand. Something similar happens in human life. Time holds us together as a single nation. And culture serves as the basis for this process. Only under such conditions does the history of any state arise.
The main idea of the Planet Rus project is to convey to the viewer the beauty and greatness of our Motherland. One of the goals of the project is the restoration of cultural and spiritual heritage. The patriotic spirit, which the exhibits are filled with, connects space and time. Landscapes, still lifes with domestic items, historical paintings, photographs, portraits reveal the majestic image of Russia and contribute to fostering a sense of civic consciousness and love for our Fatherland in the younger generation.
The project participants are contemporary artists and photographers who have earned recognition in the art world, who have repeatedly exhibited in major museums and galleries in Russia and abroad, demonstrate a variety of styles and genres, manner of performance and at the same time preserve the traditions of the Russian school.
The exposition contains works by famous photographers, laureates of Russian and international competitions, People’s and Honored Artists of the Russian Federation, academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Arts, the International Academy of Culture and Art, members of the Union of Artists of Russia, the Moscow Union of Artists, and the Union of Artists of the Moscow Region.
Exhibitions "Planet Rus" have already been presented in the State Museum-Reserve "Izborsk", Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve, Nizhny Novgorod State Exhibition Complex. In 2021, they will be held at the Museum and Exhibition Center in Medyn, the Cultural Center "House of Ozerov" (Kolomna), the Trinity Center for Culture and Creativity, the Klin Museum Association, the All-Russian Historical and Ethnographic Museum in Torzhok, the Museum of Contemporary Ethno Art of the Yelabuga State Museum-Reserve.
The exhibition will run until March 14.
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