"Poster of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."
Automatic translate
с 18 Апреля
по 19 МаяМузейно-выставочный комплекс Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский переулок, 17
The exhibition is dedicated to the celebration of the 74th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people over the fascist invaders.
The watercolor school of Sergei Andriyaka, in memory of this event, opens a unique exhibition of legendary posters, real cultural artifacts during the war. The exhibition "Poster of the Great Patriotic War" includes works created from 1941 to 1945 and widely known to the public of different generations.
In times of swearing hard times, propaganda and agitation were called the third front. It was here that the battle for the spirit of the people unfolded, which, ultimately, decided the outcome of the war. Hitlerite Germany also worked hard in this vein, but it turned out to be far from the righteous holy anger of Soviet artists, poets and writers. The image of the enemy, as well as the image of a people rallied to defend their homeland, is most clearly represented on wartime posters that raised propaganda art to an unprecedented height, not surpassed to this day.
The exhibition features a wide exhibition consisting of cult posters that have become recognized masterpieces of poster art and a symbol of the Great Patriotic War. You will be able to see works that have received popular love: “Motherland Calls!” By artist I. Toidze (1941), “All the forces of the people to defeat the enemy” by artists J. Lerner and M. Nikolaev (1942), “Partisans” by artists V. Prager and I. Doronina (1941), “The banner of the regiment is the honor of the regiment” by artist A. Kokorekin (1943) and many others. Among the exhibits are posters of the sensational creative team Kukryniksy, known for their satirical cartoons of the enemy.
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