"Letter. 75 words about war"
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с 3 Сентября
по 8 НоябряМузей Москвы
Зубовский бульвар, 2
Exhibition “Letter. 75 Words about War ”tells about one of the main tragedies of the last century through eyewitness accounts: front-line correspondence, personal notes and memories of Muscovites. More than 90 letters have been collected for the exposition. On their basis, a performance has been created, which will be played out in the exhibition space every Sunday at 15:00 and at 17:00 during the entire period of the exhibition.

Instead of the dry language of figures and facts, the project will feature the voices of participants in the defense of Moscow and witnesses of the first minutes of Victory. “We all jumped out of bed, knock on doors, someone from the windows shouted:“ Victory! ”And right in what we were, in nightgowns into the yard! Everyone is kissing, crying, laughing. They survived, survived… ”, - Svetlana Popova wrote to her sister (letter dated May 10, 1945).
The play was directed by Philip Vinogradov, set designer - Alexey Tregubov. The production will be attended by graduate students of the acting and directing departments of the Russian Institute of Theater Arts - GITIS Workshops of People’s Artist of the USSR Vladimir Alekseevich Andreev and People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Leonid Efimovich Kheifets.
Curator: Irina Karpacheva
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