"Landscape of the front city"
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The Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts is launching a large-scale traveling exhibition project "Landscape of the Front City", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. Until the end of 2020, the exhibition will be presented to residents of Zhukov, Khvastovich, Ulyanov, Mosalsk. The first city where the works will be presented will be Zhukov, where the exhibition will open on September 6.

The exhibition "Landscape of the Front City" presents paintings and drawings from the collection of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts, which depict Soviet cities and villages that suffered during the occupation. All these drawings, watercolors, etchings and paintings were created during the war years or immediately after its end. Their authors - Soviet artists and graphic artists were participants in the war. Many of them took a direct part in hostilities, were awarded orders and medals for courage and heroism. In their works, they captured the destruction that the war brought to their Soviet cities and villages.
The exposition contains many works dedicated to the liberation of Kaluga from the Nazi invaders on December 30, 1941. They were created by artists who took part or witnessed the liberation of the city and captured its views and surroundings. Based on their work, we can imagine what Kaluga looked like in the first days and months after liberation.
The exhibition also includes works by artists created during the war in other cities - in Stalingrad, Novorossiysk, in various villages and villages after their liberation. They reflect not only the landscapes of the front-line cities, but also military everyday life.
At the exhibition you can see the works of Honored Art Workers, People’s and Honored Artists of the RSFSR K.I. Finogenov, V.S.Bibikov, P. Ya.Kirpichev, I.V. Titkov, artists of the studio B.M. Grekov, and less famous authors. But, regardless of the authority of the author, each of their paintings and each sketch made during the war years is for us a living testimony of those events.
In addition to genuine works of graphic art, visitors will be shown the film "Landscape of the Front City", which can be watched in virtual reality glasses.
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