Songs of the peoples of the world. Choir "Domestic" them. V. A. Kopaneva
Automatic translate
29 Августа
Литературный квартал
ул. Пролетарская, 14

“Music inspires the whole world, provides the soul with wings, promotes the flight of imagination; music gives life and joy to everything that exists… It can be called the embodiment of all that is beautiful and all that is sublime, ”wrote the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.
On August 29 at 18:30 on the stage of the Summer Stage of the Literary Quarter, the choir "Domestic" named after V. A. Kopanev will once again prove that music and the worldview of peoples are inextricably linked. The ensemble will present to the audience both traditional folk songs and author’s songs, reflecting the style of music of each nation. The geography of the repertoire is amazing! These are: Germany, Italy, Hungary, Ukraine, Kenya, Japan, USA, Georgia and, of course, Russia and other countries.
Choirmaster: Svetlana Petrova, winner of the All-Russian Competition of Choral Conductors.
Conductor: Larisa Romodina, laureate of All-Russian and International competitions.
Host and accompanist: Irina Zavolzhanskaya.
Tickets: (343) 354-20-10
Website: dommuzyki.ekaterinburg.rf
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