"The root cause." Anastasia Langurova
Automatic translate
с 21 Октября
по 30 НоябряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
From October 21 to November 30 in Artmuz, on the experimental site “Ul. The Big Crafts ”exhibition of the young and talented artist from Kislovodsk Anastasia Langurova -“ The First Cause ”.
Nature is the source of everything. It is the main meaning, and at the same time, the main reason for our existence. It is impossible not to learn from her, since she is everything that we have, everything that surrounds us day after day, everything that is peculiar to us and that is not peculiar. We tend to dream, we tend to imagine, we tend to create and we tend to share our creations with others. A continuous series of meanings, images and actions, where the meaning is an understanding of nature, the image is its perception by us, the action is an attempt to display.
But! There are phenomena of our imagination that do not fit into the picture of the objective world known to us - that which in nature does not exist, but takes place in culture, faith or the pursuit of the ideal. All that Myth, Mystery, Riddle penetrates. All that we create ourselves, as an integral part of nature, in our and its constant search for something beautiful. And it is at this moment, we become one step with nature, as the creators of individual worlds with their laws and meanings, miracles and riddles, which we alone can solve.
In this series of works, the author tried to reflect the relationship between the creations of nature and the creations of our imagination, which, despite their material insignificance, exist in the colossal stratum of human culture, albeit intangible.
Anastasia Langurova, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, lives and works in Kislovodsk.
Exhibition Dates: October 21 - November 30
Vernissage: October 21, 19:00
Address: line 13 V.O., d. 72, Artmuz, experimental site “Ul. The Big Craft ”, 4th floor