The first Romanesque art":
architecture of the 10th - early 11th centuries
Automatic translate
19 Марта
Государственный музей архитектуры имени А.В. Щусева
ул. Воздвиженка, д.5/25
Lecture 19.03 at 13:00.
From the second half of the 10th century in Western Europe, for a number of reasons, interest began to revive in the use of the heritage of Rome of the era of the Empire in architecture, and above all the cross and barrel vaults. In the lecture, we will talk about the relationship of vaulted architecture with the development of worship, the cult of the relics of saints, the formation of city-states and security issues in Western Europe around the year 1000.

Ticket price:
Lecture ticket - 400 rubles.
Reduced lecture ticket - 200 rubles.
Tickets go on sale on the day of the lecture, one hour before the start.
- Romanesque architecture in France and England
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- “Patterns of Culture” by Ruth Benedict
- “The Interpretation of Cultures” by Clifford Geertz
- Cultural life of France
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Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.