Personal exhibition of ZK Tsereteli "With all my heart - to Vladimir"
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On October 7, 2014, as part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Vladimir Region, the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Vladimir City Administration, the Exhibition Center MBUK and the Russian Academy of Arts present a personal exhibition of the largest monumental artist, People’s Artist of the USSR and the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Academy of Arts, Ambassador Good the will of UNESCO ZK Tsereteli - “With all my heart - to Vladimir”, which included about 50 work-enamels and color silk-screen printing from the series “Album Sheets”, works of sculpture. Many residents of this ancient Russian city already had the opportunity to get acquainted with the master’s work at the exhibition, which was successfully exhibited there in 2008. By visiting this exhibition, viewers will be able to evaluate the results of the artist’s experimental searches in different types, genres and techniques of fine art, to pay tribute to his creative imagination, extraordinary strength of character and tireless energy.
The world-famous sculptor, monumentalist, artist of the widest creative range, which is subject to almost all types of fine art, Zurab Tsereteli is constantly in search of new expressive means, technological opportunities for the embodiment of his artistic ideas. Enamel has become one of these areas of his pictorial quest. 23 works, made in the unique author’s technique of volumetric enamel, presented at the exhibition, demonstrate the amazing coloristic and plastic talent of the author. Tsereteli turned to the art of graphics already in the early period of his creative career, when he worked in ethnographic and archaeological expeditions. Now, after many years, long-standing, memorable half a century ago, the images are embodied by the author already at a new level of artistic understanding. In the artist’s works, a whole world comes to life - with its own heroes and a special space.
The exhibition runs on November 16th.
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