Personal exhibition of the Cultural Advisor at the Embassy of Egypt in Russia Osama El-Serui at the Moscow Museum of Folk Graphics
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Department of Culture of Moscow
Moscow Museum of Folk Graphics
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Russia
present a personal exhibition of painting
Culture Advisor at the Embassy of the Egyptian Autonomous Republic in Russia Osama El-Serui
"Gold ring of Russia. View from Egypt”
The exhibition runs from September 26 to October 5, 2014.
The personal exhibition of the works of the Cultural Advisor at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Egypt Osama El-Serui at the Museum of Folk Graphics is an extraordinary event. Just as unusual is the author himself! As cultural adviser to the Egyptian Embassy in Moscow, he did a lot to strengthen Russian-Egyptian friendship.
Osama El-Serui is known in Egypt as an artist and sculptor, art critic. Osama is a graduate of Cairo University, then graduated from the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, defended his dissertation in art criticism, and became a professor of fine arts. He has many interesting, significant works on art history. The sculptures of the artist are presented at the Russian Center of Culture in Cairo - a monument to Chekhov, a monument to Tchaikovsky at the Cairo Opera House, in Tashkent - a monument to Mahmoud Mukhtar, in the city of Arish - Anwar Sadat, at the Egyptian-Russian University of Cairo - two monuments stand against each other - a scientist Gaber Ben Heyan and Dmitry Mendeleev. In Moscow - a monument to Said Darwish, the founder of modern music in Egypt, the author of the national anthem.
While studying in St. Petersburg, Osama learned the Russian language, knowledge of which allowed him to master a large volume of Russian literature on art. Osama is not only an artist, but a person who leads an idea through life. He calls himself a propagandist of Russian culture, which he considers one of the greatest cultures that have contributed to the development of world art. In his homeland, Osama is going to open at the University of Cairo, where he teaches, a department of Russian art so that Egyptian young people can, without going abroad, gain knowledge and get acquainted with the culture that has given the world such great artists as Vasnetsov, Serov, Vrubel, Roerich, Malevich, and many others.
So far, there are not many textbooks on Russian art in Egypt, and Osama took up the writing of a large work - the multi-volume Egyptian encyclopedia of Russian art. The first two volumes on the history of Russian sculpture have already been written and published. The photographs of these books include sculptures by Konenkov, Mukhina, Antokolsky and many other Russian sculptors, who, according to Osama, are known much worse than Russian painters.
While Osama promotes Russian culture and erects monuments to Chekhov, Tchaikovsky, Tolstoy and other Russian enlighteners and prominent people in his homeland, in Russia, in many cities, there are his sculptural portraits dedicated to Egyptian cultural figures. Osama al-Serui admits that he makes sculptural portraits in several copies so that they can be installed simultaneously in several cities, thereby serving both as a reminder of past achievements in the field of culture of the two Fatherlands, and a mutually connecting thread between Russian and Egyptian cultures.
The master’s paintings, created on the basis of his impressions of traveling around the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia, are touching, unusually sincere, and at the same time highly artistic works. At the exhibition it will be possible to see how El Serui’s paintings reflecting the beauty of cities and landscapes of the Golden Ring of Russia, portraits of famous figures of Egypt, as well as photographs of the sculptures he created. The Museum of Folk Graphics is happy to present this exhibition to the Moscow audience!
Museum address: 107045, Moscow, Maly Golovin per., 10/9
m. Turgenevskaya, Sukharevskaya, Chistye Prudy, Sretensky Boulevard
tel / fax 8 (495) 608-51-82;
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