"Personal exhibition of Polina Shutova"
Automatic translate
с 23 Апреля
по 30 МаяГалерея “Богородское”
Открытое шоссе, д. 5, кор. 6
April is perhaps one of the most pleasant spring months - the snow is finally receding, the sun is getting more and more often memories of summer and dreams of future walks appear in my head. Anticipating these moods, the Bogorodskoye Gallery opens a “Personal exhibition of Polina Shutova”. Columns, vases, greenery.
The exposition was based on graphic works made in the open air in different cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Florence, Bologna, Porto, Coimbra. The subjects of the works are squares, columns, trees, parks. The artist does not set as her goal the exact transfer of the visible landscape - the main interest for her is working with rhythms on the sheet. It can be said that based on the views of the city, Polina strives for abstraction, but so far the substantive basis of the drawing remains important and visible.
Based on graphics, the artist created plaster reliefs and ceramic vases. In them, as well as in other works, the idea of organizing the surface of an object by rhythm is paramount. The material of objects allows you to connect additional tools to solve this problem - such as textures and relief of different depths.
All together, the elements of the exhibition reveal the process of creative search for a form that can most fully express the inner feelings of the artist from the environment in which she lives.
Polina Shutova is a graduate of the Moscow State Art Academy named after S. G. Stroganov, curator, twice finalist of the “Invented and Made in Russia” competition (Fashion and Design Center at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative Arts), teacher of the “Simple School”.
Curator: Daria Yaromenok.
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