Personal exhibition of Larisa Sorokina
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From April 25 to May 6, 2012 at the State Exhibition Hall "On Kashirka" will be a personal exhibition of the artist Larisa Sorokina "Geography of creativity." Vernissage will take place on April 28 at 16-00 (admission is free).
Larisa Sorokina has been engaged in graphics for a long time and with enthusiasm. After graduating from the Krasnopresnenskaya art school, one of the best and oldest in Moscow, and then the State Institute of Theater Arts (now RATI), she has not parted with colors for more than two decades. Her graphic works were performed mainly during the artist’s many travels.
Larisa’s works form series and cycles. She often returns to the same pictorial motif - old city courtyards, landscape fragments, majestic mountains, tree branches - and varies this motif, following the infinite variety of nature. In her graphic “travel notes” Larisa Sorokina maintains the tradition of leisurely, calm viewing.
Larisa often chooses not spectacular architectural views and panoramas for her graphic landscapes, but corners that are unremarkable at first glance. For example, quiet, cozy courtyards with tiled roofs, mossy stone walls, rickety fences. For centuries, silence and peace have been living in these courtyards - one of Larisa’s watercolor landscapes is called: “Ples. Quiet life. " It is easy to imagine that in the same way these corners looked a hundred and two hundred years ago. To match the peaceful atmosphere - the color of these works, where Larisa tastefully selects restrained, soft tones - brownish, pinkish, bluish-gray, green. In another series of works performed by pastel, Larisa Sorokina follows the tradition of the famous artist and traveler Nikolai Roerich. It depicts snow-capped mountain peaks against a bright sky, forming a decorative pattern. Larisa’s light effects work out well - the mountains are shown either immersed in a pre-sunset dusk with almost black shadows, and their peaks form a sharp contrast with the bright golden sky, then they dissolve in a light blue space. The artist feels the texture of pastel well - a technique that gives a feeling of airiness. The mountains appear in the landscapes of Larisa as if animated: they, like clouds, transform into bizarre, sinuous figures, creep, soar skyward. In motionless stones the internal dynamics is hidden. In the same way, clouds take unusual shapes - in one of the landscapes, for example, you can see a horse flying through the sky. “So it was!” Larisa assures with a smile. And in this ability not only to look at the sky, but also to see its unusual “quiet life” - an extraordinary artistic sensitivity.
Another graphic series of Larisa Sorokina, this time tempera, is the branches of trees. “Draw try the air gaps in the branches - do not draw. How beautiful they are, ”once said Mikhail Vrubel. And again, Larissa succeeds in revealing the ornamental beauty in the most ordinary everyday motif, which everyone has before her eyes. Cunning geometry dominates here. Like multi-colored glasses in a kaleidoscope, the silhouettes of branches and air gaps form unusual geometric and coloristic figures, producing a hypnotic effect. Each of these works can be considered for a very long time, subject to the smooth rhythm of movement of the branches. The colors here are dimmed and restrained, and the color combinations resemble the matte glow of old stained-glass windows in lead bindings. Here, as in the luxurious, energy-filled images of prickly pear cacti, the decorative gift of Larisa, an artist who knows how to watch, see and “stop the moment,” is most clearly manifested.
Ekaterina Allenova,
Ph.D. in History of Arts
st. Akademika Millionshchikova, d.35, building 5
tel. 8-499-612-95-17, 8-499-612-11-61