Personal exhibition of Karina Ghazaryan "From Shadow to Light"
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On May 16, at the DEVE Gallery on Red October, the opening of Karina Ghazaryan’s personal exhibition “From Shadow to Light” will be held. Moscow artist and designer Karina Ghazaryan creates works in the technique of "white relief". Several layers of cardboard, stacked on top of each other, create a complex game of lines, shadows and volumes. At the heart of each relief is a living object: a flower, shell, fish or the face of the artist herself. The transfer of these forms to the “white relief” state symbolizes the work of time - the inevitable movement of everything from being to non-being, the gradual transformation of reality into a symbol and myth. In the process of this transition, the form and essence of each object is re-opened to the viewer. The moving, changing, transforming form is one of the main topics in the work of Karina Ghazaryan, both as an artist and as a clothing designer. Also in her area of interest is environmental design as a synthesis of two vocations; synergy of costume and relief in a single space.
Karina Ghazaryan graduated from the A.N. Moscow State Textile Academy Kosygin in 1996. Since 1997 - a member of the international Union of artists. She studied the technique of "white relief" from her godfather - the artist and sculptor Rudolf Khachatryan. She has released several personal clothing collections under the KAZARIAN brand, registered in the Favoris Fashion directory of European fashion. He is the author of the design of uniforms and equipment for sports teams of Russia and teams of Paralympics. As an artist, exhibited independently since 2001.
“I am very interested in the theme of the movement. Probably because before my eyes the world has changed and continues to change. New spaces appear, for example, the Internet. There is almost nothing static left, everything is moving around, and the speed is increasing every day, ”Karina says in an interview.
Vernissage: May 16, 2014, beginning at 19:00, admission is free.
The exhibition is open to visitors: May 17, 2014 from 16:00 to 24:00 (As part of the Night at the Museum campaign), from May 18 to May 23 - daily from 12:00 to 20:00, admission is free.
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