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Within the framework of the X anniversary season of the Center for Industrial Technology, FACTORY March 11 at 20:00 will be the opening of the personal exhibition of Alexander Kutovoy “IN THE ABSENCE” in the ArtHouse hall.
What lies behind everyday life? A daily rise at seven in the morning, morning coffee, a trodden route to the metro, greetings from colleagues - a massive daily repetition of the same actions becomes a ritual.
In his total installation, Alexander Kutovoy forms a place of sacrifice, creates an atmosphere of society of everyday rituals, where a person is simultaneously a subject, forming the structure of society, and an object transformed by this structure, which has become a victim in the circulating rituals of everyday life.
All the artist’s works presented in the exhibition project are reflections on the plastic equivalent of the idea of hard formation of a person’s personality in conditions of social structures.
The exhibition will be held from March 11 to March 22, 2015.
Venue: TTI FACTORY, Arthouse Hall, Perevedenovsky Lane, 18 (metro Elektrozavodskaya).
Opening hours of the exhibition halls: from 12:00 to 20:00, from Tuesday to Sunday. Free admission.
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