Performance of drama and painting. The most scandalous genius of the 20th century - Pazolini - on the Russian stage!
Automatic translate
3 Декабря
Арт-Пространство “Железный шар”
2-й Сетуньский проезд, д.5
December 3, 2016 at 18.30 in the new-born Art Space “Iron Ball” the premiere of the psychological thriller “SUNNY BOYS. PASOLINI. "
Pierre Paolo Pazolini has long since become a world film classic, but the Russian reader and viewer are almost not familiar with him as a playwright. The play, based on the latest play by the great Italian film director, poet and writer "Affabulazione", gives the public a rare opportunity to discover the genius of Pierre Paolo Pazolini from completely new, sometimes even shocking, sides.
The creator of the performance, Tanya Strelbitskaya, is a contemporary artist and director, winner of the UN Prize, the European Committee for Awards and Prizes for “Acts for the Benefit of the Peoples”, and the honorary sign “International Recognition”. In the play, the equivalent pictorial “accompaniment” to the dramatic action is created by expressive, monumental canvases of her authorship, which most accurately reflect the mood of the modern era and provoke sharp, contradictory emotions in the viewer. The plastic and nerve of the actors, the most powerful conflict of heroes, the energy of the paintings draw the viewer into a single space of the Iron Ball, making them a full-fledged participant in the performance.
Original music for the production was written by modern composer Alexandras Simelis, cultural attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Russian Federation.
Actors exploding Pazolini’s space: Anpilogov Jura, Lavrenov Danil, Loseva Ira, Motyrev Stas, Zatsarinnaya Lucy.
Translation from Italian: Alessio Bergamo, Raisa Raskina.
The performance will be held at the address: Moscow, 2nd Setunsky proezd, 5B, Adventure Cinema Park "Master Panin", the premises of the Iron Ball Theater.
Gathering of guests at 18-30, the start of the performance at 19-00. After the performance, an after-party will take place, where the public will have a unique opportunity to visit the exhibition of paintings by Tanya Strelbitskaya.
Inquiries by phone 8 985 987 24 87 Vladimir Ivanov