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26 Октября
Здание Екатерининского общественного собрания
Грибоедова наб.к., 88/90

The street is getting darker and colder - the end of October is the time for a positive musical RESET! Which for the Petersburgers and visitors of the city was prepared by the ensemble "Essay-Quintet." On the new stage of the Petersburg Concert, in the historical building of the Catherine’s Assembly, in one of the most romantic places in St. Petersburg on Nab. Griboedov channel 88/90.
The laconic name of the concert contains the tremendous work done by the musicians. The program will feature well-known folk compositions as well as contemporary music in their own arrangements by the collective. Suddenly, the popular hits of Muse, Led Zepprlin, Grieg, Michael Jackson, AC / DC, Metallica, tunes from the famous films "Game of Thrones", "Harry Potter" and others on academic folk instruments with electronic connections will sound in a new way. All this became possible thanks to the technical equipment of the new concert venue "Catherine’s Assembly".
One of the most titled ensembles of folk instruments in the academic field in Russia will once again delight the audience with its virtuosity, delicate taste, temperament and sincere love for its audience!
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Laureates of international competitions and prizes of the Government of St. Petersburg
Kirill Evseev - balalaika - prima
Dmitry Gogolev - domra malaya, domra alt
Denis Yakushev - balalaika - double bass
Ksenia Evseeva - accordion
Mikhail Krylov - accordion
Artist: St. Petersburg Ensemble "Essay-Quintet"
Venue - Catherine’s Assembly. New room. Nab. Griboedov channel 88-90
Date of the event: 10.26.19
Event time: 19.00
- Igor Dryomin: Evgeny Telishev. Gogolevsky 29
- Exhibition of the memory of the artist Timur Novikov at the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts on Gogolevsky Boulevard
- Exhibition "Game of Spools"
- Igor Dryomin: Exhibition of Sergei Militsky in the PHOTO center on Gogolevsky Boulevard
- Evgeny Telishev. GOGOLEVSKY 29
- “Restart” by Gordon Korman